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searchm_metaelem Struct Reference

A metaname element in the meta list. More...

#include <searchm.h>

Data Fields

char * n
p_searchm_nodeelem_t l
int i

Detailed Description

A metaname element in the meta list.

Field Documentation

int searchm_metaelem::i

The number of nodes in the node list 0=>l is NULL.

p_searchm_nodeelem_t searchm_metaelem::l

The terms node list associated with this node. NULL implies an empty node list.

char* searchm_metaelem::n

The metaname. A pointer into swish_list

struct searchm_metaelem* searchm_metaelem::next

The next metaelem in list.

struct searchm_metaelem* searchm_metaelem::prev

The prev metaelem in list.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
Generated on Wed Mar 30 09:40:29 2005 for Mod_Searchm by doxygen 1.3.6